
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Group e-mail messages by thread and sort by date

Grouping related e-mail messages together (that is, grouping them according to threads and sorting them by date) makes an e-mail conversation easy to follow.

To group messages by thread and sort by date

  1. Right-click the column header bar. This is the bar above your e-mail messages, with the column headings From, Subject, and so on.
  2. Click Group By Box on the shortcut menu.
  3. Right-click the column header bar again.
  4. Click Field Chooser on the shortcut menu. This displays the Field Chooser dialog box.
  5. Drag the Conversation field to the Group By box.

Now, see how the e-mail messages are grouped by conversation on a particular subject and sorted in descending order based on date and time.

Note To undo, first display the Field Chooser dialog box as in steps 3 and 4. Then drag the Conversation field from the Group By box back to the Field Chooser dialog box.

I want to share my experience about Outlook Support, Online Outlook troubleshooting and Online email error Support.

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